Err, I am so sad today T^T my lens is broken, OMG, yea I know I bought it 3 last month. Yea yea I know, my lens be expired when have been 3 month T^T but for me that is very shorter. Now I have small eye like a Piggy again jaja XD ._. , I am very miss my lens, maybe my lens has a nice place there now #lol
Now I'll show you my all stuff for my lens and my broken lens T^T and some photo of me :)
ya, this is my solution for my lens, I always used this before use and after use ^^v also for washed the case jaja :v |
tada ^^ this is my lens case jaja black color with woman and man image on the case |
this is my lens, brown color, jajaja there is nothing ya, but |
Oh damn, when you saw this =w= you can saw if this lens is broken jajaja |
T^T jaja say GoodBye now TOT
How ? that is very disaster right ? hmm =w= I am so confuse, I wanna buy that again but, I wanna buy other color ? hmm what color ? blue ? *U* Grey ? *U* Green ? oh no jaja *W* no no no, how with hmm hmm =w=a I don't know XD jaja I am so confuse, mybe that is secret, just me and God knows.
jajaja I am used softlens there also bug out my eye haha, very cute and like a frog XD #wow |
that is too, this is firts time I share this photo right ^^ <3 look so bad ? #yea jaja ._.
this is without lens :| how ? that is different right ?
tada this is the original haha XD this is without lens too, how ? bad right ? #right ._.
huh so, I am so so so so sad now, I can't use my lovely brown again jaja ._. but is Okay, my mom say, my original eyes is better XD jajaja. Okay this is my Disaster that I write today XD ty for read ^^ good bye <3 :*
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